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Bwahaha. I like little things that are stuffed in little containers. Cats are like that. Well, at least, my cats are. And they don't need prodding to get stuffed into little containers; they do so of their own accord ^^ They like stuffing themselves into the tiniest places, like shoeboxes and little basins and an occasional small paperbag. I'm still trying to decide which one is funny: a cat stuffed in a little container and sleeping fitfully, or a cat stuffed in a little container and just chillin' and looking around xD

Oh, and if you could give me container pixels that I don't have (provided you were the one who created them) or could point me to a site that offers pixels in containers for adoption, I will love you forever. Sure, we would probably never meet in this lifetime and we will probably forget each other after a few days, but I will still love you forever. In my unconscious.

=+ Hearts +=
Limited Edition Surprise Box (1)
Adopted from Fiannas Toybox
What's inside?  =+ Stars +=
Limited Edition Surprise Box (2)
Adopted from Fiannas Toybox
What's inside?  :: Good Luck ::
Limited Edition Surprise Box (3)
Adopted from Fiannas Toybox
What's inside?  :: Merry Christmas ::
Limited Christmas Surprise Box (4)
Adopted from Fiannas Toybox
What's inside?  :: Purrfect ::
Limited Edition Surprise Box (5)
Adopted from Fiannas Toybox
What's inside?  ~* Angelic Wings *~
Limited Edition Surprise Box (6)
Adopted from Fiannas Toybox
What's inside?   


Jars are a subset of containers. And they are so convenient. They can hold virtually anything, and half the fun is figuring out how to fit stuff into them. How else could the ship-in-a-bottle become a hit? If only I knew how cool jars are back then when I was a kid, I would've gone ahead and based all my school projects on jars.

Anyway, I just remembered that when I was a kid, I always wanted to capture something cute and magical and longlasting and store them in jars... *glances at the box below* I guess I'm not the only one xD There was even this whole controversy about a kitten-in-a-jar business, which involves stuffing the little things in jars as soon as they're born and letting them grow inside the jar. The whole thing's a hoax, but PETA sternly said that it's not funny. So did a lot of animal rights proponents ^^;; And it's not, really. It looks like capturing cute and magical and longlasting things and storing them into jars would be limited to the World Wide Web :P

And yes, the jar you see yonder right is a clock xD Hey, it's still a cute jar with cute creatures. Also helps you keep track of how long you've been ogling these pixels :P



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